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Wiley University


Texas Association of Developing Colleges (TADC)

The Texas Association of Developing Colleges was incorporated in 1967 as a small private non – non-profit corporation under the auspices of the United Board for College Development of the National Council of churches. The purpose of forming this consortium, which consisted of six private historically black colleges in the state of Texas, was to carry out a number of joint programs/efforts that would benefit the members collectively. Some of these included, i.e. Cooperatively seeking gifts and grants that were earmarked for consortiums to promote the exchange of faculty or students with participating colleges, promoting joint use of facilities, such as libraries and laboratories, and also funds to introduce new curriculums and curricular materials. As a result of the cooperative planning and programs developed by the consortium TADC has expanded to meet the needs of its members, currently five colleges.

TADC has developed and implemented a number of programs that have benefited the member institutions.  Funds have been received from public and private foundations, state and federal agencies as well as private corporations. Some of these include;

Huston Endowment Foundation

$150,000 was provided to TADC to manage and oversee the improvement of the business offices at the five institutions to enhance their operations. Funds were also used to hire additional staff and provide training for staff in the business area.

Milken’s Foundation

TADC received a grant for $100,000 to establish and manage a Revolving Student Loan fund for emergency loans for students attending the member colleges. Student needs were identified by the colleges and TADC made the loans based on their recommendations.

AT&T Foundation

Funds were provided to TADC to support a Collaborative Learning Expansion Project, which allowed distance education course delivery between the colleges and the wider community and to educate rural communities in Texas on the latest technology.

The Links Foundation, Incorporated

Grant was awarded to provide TADC with funds to continue the Black Male Youth Accessing Higher Education with E’s originally funded by Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation.

Department  of Health and Human Services

Contracted with TADC to provide  Life Skills Training and job training for minority women, and single heads of households. Women were referred to TADC by DHS. Counselors were hired by TADC to work with the women to achieve their goals.

Department of Education

Preparing   Tomorrow’s  Teachers to use Technology Grant (PT3); TADC developed and implemented  staff training for faculty at TADC Schools  along with public school partners on the use of technology in the classroom.

Eisenhower  Professional Development Grants  Program

TADC  received this grant to develop and implement staff development training in the areas of math and science for teachers in the local school districts that supervised student teachers who were placed with them from the TADC schools.

Texas Higher Education Coordination Board (THECB)

TADC received a contract for more than 10 years to facilitate and coordinate a collaborative strategic planning process to involve the colleges in planning for collaborative distance education, upgrading of technology, curriculum development and redesign and improvement of TExES/ExCET. TADC also worked in collaboration with THECB and the college administrators in identifying, developing and coordinating the training needs of the faculty in the centers for teacher education.

Texas Workforce Commission, Dept. of Labor

Contracted with TADC for more than  10 years to provide training and employment services to veterans in the rural areas of East Texas.  A Counselor, who was employed by TADC, also a veteran, worked with each participant in securing training and gainful employment that allowed the client to become economically sufficient. TADC worked closely with The Texas Workforce Commission and established contracts with local employers to ensure veterans could obtain skilled training in an area suited for each participant.

Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation

A grant was awarded to TADC to provide direct services to more than 75 black male students and families who resided in Dallas Housing Authority‘s Section 8 and  Public Housing. The students were 16-19 years of age, juniors in high school, high-risk, economically disadvantaged, and potentially first-generation college-going. The program was entitled Black Male Youth Accessing Higher Education with E’s. TADC developed workshops on college preparation, career opportunities, self-esteem, and others.  Students experienced several college tours and attended a mini Upward Bound weekend activity at Paul Quinn College and also completed a Ropes Course on team building.  These activities were designed by TADC to expose the participants to the reality and accessibility of higher education. The Omega Psi Phi graduate chapter was recruited and agreed to volunteer to serve as mentors to the young men. A number of these young men are now college students.

TADC is currently operating several programs as follows:
  • Urban Scholarship Fund; TADC has been the administrator of this scholarship fund since 1997. It is TADC’s responsibility to recruit low income students around the state of Texas who qualify for these funds. Scholarship payments are made by TADC to the schools after verification of full-time enrollment by the staff at the college of the student’s choice or through the National Student Clearinghouse.

TADC’s administrative staff is well-qualified and possesses more than 20 years of experience in the areas of management, program operations, fiscal management, and technology.

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Explore our website to learn more about TADC, our member colleges, and the transformative work we do. Join us on this journey of empowering excellence and shaping the future of higher education in Texas.

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